
Question 1 - The Advantages of Using Visio

If you have ever used a template in a Microsoft Office program to create a document — for example, maybe you've used a Microsoft Word template to create a report or a résumé — you know that a template can help you solve formatting and design problems in advance. And that can make creating a document much easier. The Microsoft Visio® 2000 templates for creating diagrams offer a similar benefit. You can simply open a template and draw.
Let's say, for example, that you need to document a process by creating a flowchart. Right away you have decisions to make. What shapes do you use to indicate steps in the process? How should you orient the flowchart on the drawing page? How do you format the flowchart so it's effective, clear, and attractive, and conveys your process instantly to your colleagues?
If you base a diagram on a Microsoft Visio 2000 template, these types of decisions are already made for you.
Three very different flowcharts with the common template used to create them.
Templates save time and effort by providing a ready-made environment in which you can create many diagrams.

So what exactly is a Visio template?

The easiest way to explain templates is to look at a couple of examples. A quick glance at the following examples shows you that templates are diagramming environments consisting of:
  • A drawing page with a grid and rulers.
  • Stencils (the green areas), which contain predrawn shapes. You can create a diagram by moving these shapes onto the drawing page using a drag-and-drop operation.
All Visio templates have these components in common.
If you look at the examples a little more closely, however, you can see how they differ. Each diagramming environment has been set up in advance to satisfy the requirements of a specific diagram type. All you have to do, whether you want to create a flowchart or an office plan (or any other diagram type that Visio 2000 supports), is to open a template and draw.

Basic Flowchart template example

The stencils, drawing page, rulers and other information that you see when you first open the Basic Flowchart template.
The Basic Flowchart template includes:
  • Three stencils     One contains shapes representing standard flowchart symbols, such as Process and Decision. The other two contain predesigned backgrounds, borders, and titles you can use to quickly liven up and label your flowchart.
  • A vertically oriented (portrait) drawing page     because flowcharts are commonly longer than they are wide.
  • Rulers marked in real-world dimensions     (for example, inches or centimeters) so you can easily size and align the shapes.

Office Layout template example

The stencils, drawing page, rulers and other information that you see when you first open the Office Layout template.
The Office Layout template includes:
  • One stencil     that contains a variety of space-planning shapes, including wall structures, office furniture, cubicle dividers, a dimension line, and more.
  • A horizontally oriented (landscape) drawing page     because space plans are typically bound on the left and have a running title down the right side.
  • Rulers marked in feet     indicating that the drawing page represents an area 35 by 45 feet. The page, in other words, has a scale of 1/4 inch = 1 foot.
Note     Visio templates include many more predefined settings, which you can adjust, but we have not described them all here. For example, in a template you can set the way shapes snap into position, how they glue to one another, whether drawing pages have backgrounds, and more.

How do I start a diagram with a Visio template?

Visio provides templates for all the diagram types it supports. You automatically open a template when you first start Visio 2000 and select a diagram type in the Choose Drawing Type dialog box, or when you click the Newcommand on the File menu.

To start a diagram with a template

  1. On the Start menu, click Programs, and then click Microsoft Visio.
  2. In the Welcome to Microsoft Visio dialog box, click OK.
  3. In the Choose Drawing Type dialog box, click a diagram category. Pictures of specific diagram types appear in the window.
  4. Click the picture that represents the diagram type you want to create, and then click OK.

Question 2 - List 10 category of drawing type in Visio.

1. Basic Flowchart Shape

2. New Stencill Shapes

3. New Stencil (Metric)

4. New Stencil (US Units)

5. Start/Ends Shapes

6. Swimlane Verticle Shapes
7. Cross-Functional Flowchart Shapes 

8. Swimlane Functional Flowchart Shapes

9. Separator Functional Flowchart Shapes

10. Subprocess Functional Flowchart Shapes

Question 3 - Get familiar with the Visio interface. Describe A,B,C and D

Step 1: To open a new Visio drawing, go to the Start Menu and select Programs >> Visio
Step 2: Move your cursor over "Business Process " and select "Basic Flowchart"
open a basic flowchart

Navigating in Visio 

Let's take a few moments to get familiar with the Visio interface:
screenshot of visio interface with blank drawing space
: the toolbars across the top of the screen are similar to other Microsoft programs such as Word and PowerPoint. If you have used these programs before, you may notice a few different functionalities, which we will explore later.
Selecting Help >> Diagram Gallery is a good way to become familiar with the types of drawings and diagrams that can be created in Visio.
: the left side of the screen shows the menus specific to the type of diagram you are creating. In this case we see:
•  Arrow Shapes
•  Backgrounds
•  Basic Flowchart Shapes
•  Borders and Titles
: the center of the screen shows the diagram workspace, which includes the actual diagram page as well as some blank space adjacent to the page.
: the right side of the screen shows some help functions. Some people may choose to close this window to increase the area for diagram workspace, and re-open the help functions when necessary.


Best part that I'm learning in using Visio is I can creating map, city and also I learn how to creat my own flowchart.

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